A couple of weeks ago Brendon Bruchard offered a 7 Day transformational workshop on line and I passed it on to my staff with a challenge to share with each other what their responses would be - here are a few of the gems I pulled out. #1 CLARITY - I often sit, listen to the voice between my breaths or dance to the rhythm of my ancestors as I start my day tapping into the creative process in making heART Circles. Brendon’s work is a little too structured for me, yes and, perhaps I needed a little more and often am thankful for the stirring he may provoke in me to go deeper.
Oceanna and I have a tag team going, where we get a chance to share and keep each other accountable - which brings me to creating my “positive tribe” of support who I can share my “self assessment” and the skill sets I need to develop as I identify who I want to be. My three self describing words are Honorable - leading with integrity - heart centered guidance, Spiritual - seeing the higher good in everything with ceremony being a way of life, Creative - Always in wonder, acknowledging the beauty within and out with an urge to express my interpretation of the experience in a physical form such as my garden, heART circles, our marketing materials, program design, etc.
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January 2021
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