Engaging programs for today's youth...
Adventures in Learning, a sequential series supporting students in developing leadership. critical thinking and problem solving skills while having a great time together. These programs are all unique experiences for each and every student participant. In order to make the most of the students' experience, Celebrate Life invites students to share their gems - their most memorable moments of the day. We do this by incorporating what we like to call council. Council is a circle-based practices that encourages authentic communication, speaking and listening from the heart.
- Builds confidence
- Improves communication and social skills
- Supports COLLABORATION over competition, creating a culture of engaged students working together
- Engages students while having a fun filed trip off campus where they learn by doing
I would recommend this to other teachers and schools or for everyone to do [Adventures In Learning]. It's a way...to get out of the classroom, get disconnected; not just be...like 'oh I just have to learn' and never get disconnected. There's times when people need breaks."
- Alejandro R. OHS G-Tech Class of 2019
A sequential series supporting students' engagement in developing leadership, critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Coastal Environment and Team-Bonding
Engaging team-building game-like activities where students learn about themselves, each other and their interconnectedness to the web of life.
Ropes Course Challenge
Through unique mental, emotional and physical challenges, ropes course combine fun and adventure with personal growth, bringing groups of people together through hands-on, collective achievements.
Kayaking Team-Building Collaborative Games
Students participate in team building initiatives on and off the water, learning how
to work and play together to achieve common goals.
Rite of Passage
Community Building Service Learning
A Short Interview: The Student Experience
Watch the video below to get one insight on the student experience? What do the students think of Adventures in Learning?
Don't forget to hit the full screen button for better quality and remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more interviews and fun videos.
Don't forget to hit the full screen button for better quality and remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more interviews and fun videos.
If you want more information on a specific program, feel free to contact us and we'll send you a program information packet!