Rites of PassageBrief Introduction:
Rites of Passage--this event is offered to multiple age groups. We call this an event because our rites of passage program normally takes place throughout several nights and days. A rites of passage program is perfect for those who have participated in a series of our programs. A rites of passage is beneficial for large groups because it is a ceremony type event that encompasses a unification of many in order for each individual to begin anew. Below is a step by step explanation of what our Rites of Passage entails. |
Rites of Passage Have Three Phases:
- Separation: in the first phase we withdraw from our current status and surroundings and prepare to move on from one place to another. There is often a letting go or "cutting away" from a former perception of self which is symbolized in actions and ceremony.
- Transition: this second phase is an assimilation or adjustment phase between states, (mentally or physically) during which one has left one place or state but has not yet entered or joined the next. To be "in flux."
- Re-incorporation: in this third phase, having completed the Rites of Passage, and assumed a "new" identity, on re-enters society with new status, position or realization. Re-incorporation is often celebrated through ceremonies and rituals.
Map of Awareness - Medicine Wheel:
- EAST: rising sun, Spring, new beginnings, the Celebrant - awakened to Answer the Call as an Initiate, intentionally beginning anew, fire within is ignited, Creativity
- SOUTH: full sun - Summer, taking stock of life's journey and finishing loose ends, choosing to age consciously with purpose, Earthguardian and developing relationship in Common-Unity, Vision quest - inquiry and assimilation. Being present as the Warrior-Samurai, mindful transition, being fully aware-awake-alive, water reminds us to be in the flow
- WEST: setting sun, fall, intuitive heart centered work, integrating a new way of being from doing, healer-caregiver of all relations, mentor-teacher relations develop as co-creators of a world in transition.
- NORTH: night, Winter, aligning our thoughts so our words and actions will follow, reentry as a Wisdom Keeper, crowning, Art of Being-modeling consciously honoring life's bench marks, walking the talk, Sage-ing
If you're interested in planning a Rites of Passage for your group, let us know! We make sure to create an event fit for your needs. The basics and intention remain the same for all of our programs but your goals do not, so we work with you to pull those out and plant them in your itinerary. If you want to fill out a program needs assessment sheet or want to ask about our Rites of Passage check out the links below. With a Rites of Passage--the possibilities are endless!
If you're interested in planning a Rites of Passage for your group, let us know! We make sure to create an event fit for your needs. The basics and intention remain the same for all of our programs but your goals do not, so we work with you to pull those out and plant them in your itinerary. If you want to fill out a program needs assessment sheet or want to ask about our Rites of Passage check out the links below. With a Rites of Passage--the possibilities are endless!